Monday, May 18, 2009

Arrived Home

We left Chattanooga at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning and arrived home at around 8:30 pm. Very good trip home. WE DID NOT GET LOST!! Amazing Vicki drove all that way with no help from us. She did all the driving on the trip and for that she is given our praises. Bravo Vicki!! Saw the most extraordinary scenery as we traversed through the Appalachian Plateau region of the App. Mountains. Up and down the hills we went with great weather all the way. We did find the usual assortment of household items along the way - couches, chairs, oh and a cooler, mattress, and bunches of old cars - all just left because it appears that is how it is done in the south. When an item reaches its' expiration, it becomes part of the landscape. Good to see that trucks are still traversing the roadways - that means commerce is still going on - keep on trucking. We did not stop for lunch on the way home but we did eat trail mix, potato chips, candy, water, mountain dew, goldfish crackers - ya know, road food. It was all good. Only snapped a few pics on the way home cause not much to shoot from a moving car - many trees and hills and all GREEN. That was the nice thing, winter is obviously behind us. So we are done and now the work begins - selling all the stuff we did buy. As I unwrap my stuff I am realizing I did buy some treasures and I did not bring back any of the bugs. Oh we did leave 2 Tennessee flies along the road. They were buzzing around in the van and we finally left one of them in Kentucky and I think the other one we left Ohio. The Red Wings won and so did the Tigers - a good time was had by all.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

More Pics

More Pics from Chattanooga

Saturday Final Day - Chattanooga TN

We got out of the room around 10:30 a.m. We were told that there were many sales ahead on Route 11. They were right!! Much better day than any other because we did see sales filled with junk intermingled with a few good sales. 1st stop was right down the road at an indoor flea market. We really thought it would be people selling lots of collectibles, etc. It was actually just like Gibralter Trade Center, so we left real fast and hit the road. Check out the Hill Billy Snacks pic. We had to ask a man at a sale to back up the van for us because we managed to end up on a dead end road. I think Judy and Vicki bought something from that sale. Vickis best find on the trip was her Ladies Meerschaum Pipe. She hopes to do really well with that one. Pic below.Most of these sales were way overpriced or filled with sooooooooo much junk it was unbelievable. It had rained last night and they just left the boxes out and the cardboard boxes were filled with water. I was in and old storage unit/junk shop and I went into this back room where a family was looking around. All of a sudden they were all giggling and laughing and I walked right into it - he either SHAT his pants or broke wind. Alas, I was trapped in the back of the room until the air cleared. GEE WHIZ!! Much more fun was found closer to Chattanooga. We have all bought a few things here and there and met some really nice people. One of the dealers had a 1993 station wagon just plastered with decals, car ornaments, cell phones, and even a miniature Bristol Speedway using toy cars mounted or glued, however he did it, to the top of his car. He kept saying check out cobra eyes on the front of the car and when we got close he pushed some button and water squirted out of the cobra. We all laughed and THEN Judy walked up. He said hey check out the cobra and Judy asked us what, should I? Vicki and I said oh yea its real cool - well he got her and we all laughed. I am sure he went back to drinking beer and squirting people. Check out the pics. We did not see any appliances or living rooms on front porches. Oh, wait, Judy saw an overstuffed chair!! But it is so hot down here I imagine you could live on the porch - it would probably be cooler. Many men wanted to know what kind of trailer we had - we said a snowmobile trailer and they all laughed - one wanted to know if we had the snowmobiles in there!! WHAT WHAT - NOT. Who ever said there was no free lunch? We stopped at a restaurant and ordered. I ordered the buffet (pizza and salad) Vicki and Judy ordered meals. I was all done and there food was not there yet. We asked a waitress to check and she came running back and said they had just started it. Well we did not want to waist any more time in search of boxes with water in them, so we said thats ok. We have to leave. And so, our meals were FREE!!

So tomorrow we will hit 75 N and head for home. It has been very fun and interesting, to say the least, trip. The Green Acres characters were not to be found. So we will have to complete the cast at another time. See ya all tomorrow.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Rock City

By the way, the pics of Rock City are for Vicki. She is desperate to see more of the old Rock City signs. So we are gonna throw those in as well.

Day three Sweetwater, TN

On the road again at 10:00 am we knew today would be the day to find treasures, well we came upon a parking lot with people selling tools, clothes and generally old shit. We found little and were directed to the Amvet Thrift Store. The treasures were few but we are hunters and Vicki found mermaid glasses, Colleen found a crazy, colorful, Italian silk tie and Judy found some good books.
So back to the trail, our route dead ended at a detour to no where with no direction to go. We stopped to ask which direction we should go to find 11and a slow talking man tried to direct us through town we don't think he knew where he was, so we turned on Lola the GPS and we ended up driving a very, very, in the back woods road. After seeing the beautiful green scenery of the mountainside and baby animals finally hungry and needing gas we happened upon a country gas station and diner. We had a good meal bbq pork and steak and the people were nice enough to give us right directions to our 11 road.

We were very excited to find two shops on the route, the Flea Market Shop and Cave Creek Antiques. Treasures were definitely there, a nice lady with a real southern drawl sold us some good stuff and up on the top of the hill at Cave Creek, we met Kim and she gave us great deals. Vicki found some glass and jewels and Judy found a Hoosier cabinet to put in her booth back home and its very unusual that Colleen bought nothing. We loaded the cabinet into the so far empty trailer so we hope this is a good sign that we will fill it up on the way down the trail.

Kim told to visit the town of Sweetwater just up the road a bit, by the way Kim was the first one to recognize the Antique Alley route 11 sales, finally. Heirloom Antiques was the next and last stop for the day, big place but we are really want to put our feet up for the night and have a cocktail or two. Major appliances update two portable dishwashers, entire living room set and fridge on porches.

We are very optimistic tomorrow thanks to Kim that we have found the antique alley, flea market tomorrow opens at 8 am. Judy blogged tonight.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

more pics

Day 2 Continued with pics

OH, and we also saw the Bristol Speedway - waaaaaay cool and at the hotel we are staying at, a car club is staying her so we snatched a few pics of the trucks and cars. They are attached

Knoxville TN - Day 2

We woke up at 6:30 (Judy and Colleen did - the birds were awake), Vicki shortly after. We got the hell out of the hell hole and headed to Bristol TN - NASCAR Country. We were searching for the Antique Alley/Garage Sale Trail - but to our dismay we found one. It was OK - we each purchased a Little bit and headed back North East . So our dilemma was we need to head SW after we did the loop up to Bristol VA. So as we headed down toward Knoxville, we found an old Davey Crockett gift shop. It was in a log cabin with no power and it built all the way back in the 1960's. He was very nice and gave us all a good deal - the Southern Gentleman Hospitality was evident. Stop in an see him when you are in Limestone TN. Cool Stuff. OK, so we are feeling pretty good that we will find treasure as we stop and go and stop and go at traffic lights.

We then found a warehouse type store called Collectors Cove. All very cool "future" collectibles - great gifts. Nice place to have visited. Then we went to leave - well we could not go around the building to exit - to our horror - the only way out was IN REVERSE. Well, that was not going to work and since we don't really want to put down roots here, we had to adopt a worker man. Very gentlemanly was he, as he backed the van out with no problem and were were happily on our way.

We then found a farm house with an Antiques for Sale sign out front and a great place for Vicki to get the trailer in and out without a hitch - no pun intended. The shop is called the American Road Antiques, Pat Lee Proprietor. She is at 6125 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Hwy 11E outside of Greenville in Afton TN. Her store is remarkable. She has over 9,000 items and has been in business for 50 years with her husband (he passed 2 yrs ago) who was a Korean war vet. She said she has been to every state buying in those 50 years. We bought quite a few treasures from there and spent well over an hour. Her knowledge of antiques is vast.

Today we found Mr Haneys truck, and Arnold the Pig. What a thrill. Please make sure to see our new friends. Pictures below.

We found quite a few appliances on front porches today. Including - an entire living room, a stove, at least 2 washing machines, again bed springs, mattresses, god only knows what else we missed.

We are now at a MUCH better hotel - but odd thing - we have the same room number as we did last night DO DO DO DO DO DO. World of difference in quality. YEA. Oh and we must be in a wet county cause we found vodka. YEA. All is good. So tomorrow we are off to SW of here - we will see when we get there. Night all.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We Have Arrived

At 10:50 we finally decided to land at the Strafford Inn in Kingsport TN. Not quite Bristol but close enough. First stop was the Waffle house Lima Ohio. I had never had a waffle house waffle - it was so good or I was so hungry. And we saw the biggest plastic outlet ever and they even had parking for trucks - so it was easy in and out. We saw Mr Haney on 75S hauling junk and now we are going to look for the rest of the green acres crew - including Arnold the Pig. I dont think we will have to look too far.
We are getting into the southern mode as we will be counting the number of major home appliances on front porches. List to follow.
1 fridge in Corbin KY, a washer and dryer in Pineville as well as 1 white christmas tree and a spring set for bed in Tazard that was founded in 1802!.
all was uneventful until we stopped for gas in some town with a wall mart - we missed our road and ended up going up a hairpin turn mountain road to hell!! Vicki cant back the trailer up so we had to push on. It was dark and out of no where on a 1 1/2 lane rd., is a fire truck - OMG. So it passed and then ANOTHER fire truck hauling water appeared. We had no shoulder OMG it was awful. And to top it off all the counties down here are dry - not wet - as the gas station lady told me. So, I guess I will have to drink a beer, and I dont drink beer
Oh, and a bird hit the windshield - I thought birds slept at night????
OK. Holes in the sheets, very colorful. OMG we are in a hell hole!! I think I will have another beer and it wont matter. But BONUS, Vic found an unused bandana behind the beds. ANother BONUS - NO BUGS!! so far Good night

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day Before Take Off Time

Beautiful weather is forcast for the states we are going to. We leave around 10:00 am in the morning (Vick is actually going to get going before noon - BONUS). We have looked at a couple hotels in Briston VA if we make it that far tomorrow - ya just never know what we will find along the way - maybe an auction - Look for pics tomorrow night when we do finally pull in somewhere. Call me on my cell anytime - you all have the number. OK, I guess I need to throw some things into a bag to take with me. So I will see you on the trail with all the other vintage people. Wish us luck and good fortune.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday before the Expedition

Judy called and we talked about what to bring - I suggested she bring a coffee can in case we can't find a bathroom. Oh, and boxes and wrapping paper for all the treasures we are going to find. John keeps saying "last seen wearing!" He always says that when I go on my trips - then one time I asked him, ok, what am I wearing right now - he couldn't tell me. Why did I ask? Anyway, I will post every day on the expedition - Vicki has satellite internet access, so I will use that. Talk to you soon.